Team Assessment

STAY With What Works


SPS Survey
($500, Zelle or PayPal)

  • Complete our 2023 Sales Performance Scorecard Survey. It will take you about 15 minutes to complete.

  • Based on the data you provide us in the survey, you will receive a PDF report plus our insights and recommendations.

  • You’ll also receive a 30-minute web-conference consultation of our analysis of your responses versus companies of a similar size.

  • This will include our analysis of your performance and areas for improvement.

Complete the form below to request your SPS Survey. Please note, business email addresses only to fulfill the request. (No Gmail, AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.) SPS Survey information will be emailed to you within one to two business days. (Note: Your salesforce should be at least 15 sellers.)

Note: We do not offer any of the services we'll be recommending. We're technology, talent, and training agnostic, though we can make recommendations and/or introductions to service providers, if you like.